Build a Healthier Body, Better Balance, Stronger Heart & Sharper Mind Tai Chi is the best activity for Health & Longer Life. Apply Now Harvard Medical School Click above to enable the audio.


Tai Chi Village

Chief instructor and founder of Tai Chi, Dr. Larry C. Bobbert, has over 55 years of martial arts experience, earned black belts in Aikido and rank in several styles of karate, Arnis and cane self defense. He has studied and practiced Tai Chi for over 40 years; created numerous health Videos and a Web site with free videos to help practioners.

Dr. Bobbert taught karate in Brazil, Tai Chi for stress Eastern Kentucky University and Miami University IRL. Was adjunct faculty for Morehead University, Midway College, and taught Communications, media and speech in PA, MI, NY & Brazil. Taught Au Chi for Richmond YMCA and Otterbein. He has done presentations in 35 states and on 4 continents.

Dr. Bobbert began Ohio Tai Chi classes with Partners in Prime in West Chester and Countryside YMCA; has taught in several retirement villages in Ohio.


Introduction to Tai Chi Village 20925

Warm UPs -Beginner

Zen Walking with Meditation in Motion

Brocades from

Live Class Locations:

Elemental O M -MASON

(Wed 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM)

300 Church Street
(859) 582-2642

Karate Dojo Silverton

(Mon 6:45-7:45 PM)

(Thur 2:00 -3:00 PM)

6931 Plainfield Road
(513) 265-2340

Tai Chi can help you

Feel better at any age, Increases energy & stamina, Reduces stress & depression, Improves balance Lowers blood pressure.


Tai Chi is the most popular form of exercise on earth with millions who practice it living longer and more active lives. Our oldest student just turned 90 and the youngest was 6. Tai Chi participants learn balance and breathing exercises to feel better-some after years of health problems. Many Tai Chi practitioners “live longer healthier lives.” 

Advanced students learn how to strengthen their body to help with the growing older  aches and pains. Our chief instructor is 84 with over 50 years of Martial Arts experience.  He can do things now that he couldn’t at 50.  We also have Siting exercises that help alleviate pain.


Qi Gong encompasses many 2,000 year old health practices including acupuncture, herbal medicines, Tai Chi, yoga and meditation. It aids healing and Self Care to individual’s Tai Chi practice.

Qi Gong and Tai Chi breathing helps to focus training, improves health, mental skills, and vitality.  Deep abdominal breathing provides a conscious way to control our emotions, muscular tension and other body sensations. Modern science confirms Qi Gong improves energy, inner peace, sleep quality and vitality.  

WESTERN doctors are accepting these practices and 11 of our city’s hospitals have Acupuncturists on staff.  Mayo Clinic and many hospitals offer Tai Chi.


Our Tai Chi is designed to improve your health through long-term practice of  slow movements, breathing exercises, Meridian Qi Gong and acupressure.

The controlled movements strengthen nerve pathways which become less responsive without practice.” This improves balance and helps prevent falls.   

Catherine Kerr, PhD

how it works

You learn at your speed. Each individual is moved into a skill level group in each class.  Tai Chi is a journey – not a goal. The 5 Elements Tai Chi  form can be learned in  5–10 hours and perfected over a lifetime.

You may start anytime CLASSES INCLUDE EVERONE

Tai Chi for Health

A recent study shows the slow moving Tai Chi movements test more effective than the top “cardio” programs without the pain of stretched muscles. Harvard Medical College

Medication in motion

This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life. Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.”

Tai Chi movement benefits

Every movement has a specific healthy effect on the body. Each lower body movement contributes to the body’s balance and energy. Some movements help with heart issues while others are good for hip and knee therapy.

Healing exercises

Healing exercises and more can be found in Dr Bobbert’s teacher, Dr.Yang, Jwing-Ming’s book, Meridian Qigong. Inside Kung-Fu magazine called Dr Yang “one of 100 people who have made the greatest impact in martial arts in the past 100 years,”


Improve balance and coordination increase energy & stamina Sleep better lower blood pressure

859 582 2642

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